Hi there! Welcome to my humble website. Since I post pictures here that were mostly taken on a trip, long or short, you can call it a “travel photography blog”. For that reason, everything is organized on the basis of location. You can pick a country in the menu at the very top; or select an item on the bright blue ribbon above here (it’s the most recent uploads); or click on a red “camera” icon on the map below (and then click on the link, which opens up on the left); or choose from the tags under the map. Once inside a picture gallery, you can “like” a picture (click on the 🤍 icon), write a comment on it, or click ⓘ for some extra info. When you “like” a picture, the 🤍 becomes red ❤️ and the picture gets automatically added to a separate album called “Favorites” (in the top menu), which is a good place to see the best pictures as voted by viewers like you. At the very bottom of any page, you can send me a message in case you have something to say, or sign up for updates, so you get notified when I have uploaded something new (and with more than 100,000 pictures in my collection right now, and counting, there is enough uploads for years to come).
Before you delve into the website, however, a few words of warning. I am not a real photographer, by any means. I’ve never taken any course, and I don’t own a fancy $1,500 camera. I am what you might call a shutterbug, as in “an enthusiastic amateur photographer”. Which means two things: 1) Don’t expect professional grade pictures. I take them for my own enjoyment, I am not trying to win any contests. And: 2) I take TONS of pictures. I am deranged that way. Even in the ancient times of celluloid, I would return home from a trip with several dozen film rolls. (Imagine the money it cost me!) Now, with digital cameras and their unlimited storage, I am simply rampant. And I hate to delete my pictures if there is nothing technically wrong with them. So you might encounter a whole bunch of pictures of the same building, from all different angles, or even one feature of a building, if I happen to like it a lot. (Most often this will be some Gothic cathedral. I don’t know, something about tracery and flying buttresses makes me lose my cool). I guess, you’ll just have to cope…
Other than that, go ahead and have a look! I hope you like some of what you see.